Do you want growth factors in your dermapen? 4 Reasons Why You Don't Need It

I'm thinking about getting a dermapen, but should I get the growth factor along with it?"
Do you want the growth factor with the dermapen option?"

Hello, I am a doctor at Smart Skin Clinic, a cosmetic dermatology clinic.

I am sure you all have these questions.

In this issue, we will discuss "Do you want growth factors in your dermapen? No?" and will discuss the combination of dermapen and growth factors.

Dermapen, a treatment for various skin problems such as pores, dullness, fine lines and wrinkles, loss of firmness, and acne scars.
In this procedure, a special instrument is used to create microscopic wounds on the skin in order to draw out the skin's innate ability to heal wounds.
Although the Dermapen treatment by itself is effective, it is used in combination with various induction solutions because it is more effective.

Recently, formulations containing growth factors such as Benev, Baby Skin, AmnioGenics, Premium Cell, Rejuran, Regenskin SRS Mask Pack, Exosome, and PRP have become particularly popular as highly effective introduction solutions for improving skin problems.

But so many choices,
Which one should I choose?"
Do I need an introductory solution or growth factors in the dermapen in the first place?"
You may be worried about this.

I will tell you in conclusion.The dermapen is naturally effective on its own, but you're more likely to feel the effects if you use an introductory solution."You can say.

Now, I would like to explain why it is better to combine with dermapen, focusing on the growth factors that have recently been attracting attention.
*This time, what we call growth factors include not only so-called growth factors, but also cell-derived components such as exosomes, PRP, and stem cells.
Growth factors, exosomes, PRP, and stem cells are the same cell-derived components, but strictly speaking, each has different characteristics in action and effect. For the sake of ease of explanation, cell-derived components are collectively referred to as "growth factors" in this article.


Four reasons why it is better to use growth factors

There are four reasons why growth factors should be used with dermapen

  1. Get the unique benefits of growth factors
  2. Synergistic effect with dermapen for enhanced efficacy
  3. Shorter downtime
  4. Improvement of overall skin quality

(1) Get the unique benefits of growth factors

Growth factors are strictly speaking proteins secreted by cells, so-called growth factors (GF) such as EGF, FGF, and TGF-β. In addition, exosomes, PRP, and stem cells have growth factors, but they are also positioned as the same cell-derived components that contain various other factors.

Each cell-derived component has its own unique characteristics and expected effects.
However, there are some commonalitiesIt increases and grows the very cells that make up the skin. It directly promotes regeneration and repair at the cellular level and is expected to have lasting effects."This is a good point.

More specifically, it has the following effects

  • Promotes collagen production
  • Accelerate wound healing
  • Skin regeneration and repair
  • anti-inflammatory action
  • immune response modulation
  • Improvement of pigmentation
  • Overall rejuvenation effect

In other words, it encourages existing cells to produce more cells and promotes cell growth. This action leads to the replenishment of cells inside the skin, repair of damaged tissues, and activation of metabolism.

For detailed characteristics of the different types of growth factors, see also this article.

(2) Enhancement of effect by synergy with Dermapen

We have explained that growth factors have high regenerative and multifunctional effects, but these effects are only realized when they are taken inside the skin.

Since the scars created by the dermapen are a pathway to the interior of the skin, using growth factors in conjunction with the dermapen will lead to greater penetration of the growth factors.

Furthermore, in addition to the skin's natural ability to repair the wounds created, the boost from growth factors can be expected to have a more synergistic effect than the Dermapen alone.

As a result, it is believed that the effects can be felt in a shorter period of time than with the dermapen alone.

(iii) Reduction of downtime

Dermapen can approach a wide range of layers from the epidermis (0.25mm) to the dermis layer (2.5mm) depending on the depth of the needle.
The wide range of its approach is an advantage of the Dermapen as a treatment for a wide range of skin problems, but it also has a disadvantage in that the deeper the needle is inserted, the more severe the downtime becomes.

Especially for skin problems such as acne scars and deep craters, downtime symptoms are often severe because the procedure is performed at a depth of about 2.0 mm.
The duration of downtime is 2-7 days, depending on the individual. Symptoms include redness, swelling, bleeding, scabbing, and a feeling of dryness, tightness, and burning.

During this period of downtime, the skin's barrier function is weakened and it becomes especially dry.
Weakening of the skin barrier function makes it easier for moisture inside the skin to evaporate and for foreign substances to enter the skin from the outside, making it susceptible to infection, so care is especially important.

For such strong downtime symptoms, growth factors can reduce downtime symptoms and shorten the duration due to their effects of "wound healing promotion," "skin regeneration and repair," "anti-inflammatory action," and "immune response modulation.

For these reasons, it is considered more effective to use growth factors at the same time, especially when dermapen is applied for skin problems involving deeper layers.

④Improvement of overall skin quality

When growth factors are used together during dermapenning, the growth factors penetrate extensively from the surface to deep within the skin.

As explained in the section on synergistic effects with the Dermapen, this strengthens the tissue in the dermis layer, which is responsible for skin firmness and elasticity, and also promotes cell turnover in the epidermis layer, resulting in a finer skin texture.
The use of growth factors together is expected to result in an overall brightening and plumping of the skin texture and an overall improvement in skin quality.


So far, we have focused on the reasons why growth factors should be used with dermapen (i.e., the advantages), but here we will also discuss the disadvantages.

Disadvantages include two of the following

  1. Cost increase
  2. Individual differences in effectiveness

(1) Increased costs

Cell-derived ingredients, such as growth factors, exosomes, and PRP, have more complex manufacturing processes and higher manufacturing costs than common cosmetic ingredients.
In addition, strict safety and quality control are required, and these costs are reflected in the price of the formulation, making it expensive.

(2) Individual differences in effectiveness

As is true of beauty treatments in general, there are individual differences in the effects of treatments using growth factors. This is because each individual has a different skin type, constitution, degree of skin problems, lifestyle, and aftercare after treatment.
Considering these factors, make sure to have a thorough consultation before the procedure to avoid the expected but ineffective results.

Summary|For Dermapen x Exosome, go to Smart Skin Clinic

So far, we have asked, "Do you want growth factors in your dermapen? No?" and have explained why it is better to combine dermapen and growth factors together.

I hope that you now understand why it is better to combine growth factors together among the initial concerns you had.
But "Which formulation should I choose?" may not have been resolved.

As I added at the beginning, there are various types of growth factors, and in terms of cell-derived components, there are even more types such as exosomes, PRP, and stem cells.
Since each has its own characteristics in action and effect, it may be a good idea to select a formulation that contains effective growth factors while seeking a formulation that is originally tailored to your own problems.

That said, that is a lot of work.

So, if I were to suggest one formulation to you, I would suggest "exosome".

The reason is that exosomes contain numerous growth factors, anti-inflammatory factors, peptides, and various other proteins and RNAs that are effective in treating a wide range of skin problems.

Smart Skin Clinic offers free consultations.
Are you interested in learning more about exosomes or wondering what formulation to choose? Please feel free to contact us so that we can discuss your concerns with you.

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