Rejuvenation under the eyes with Profibro|Explanation of effects and injection sites

*Number of cases|From September 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024



'I can't get rid of the fine lines under my eyes even with eye cream...'

If possible, I would like to avoid injections and lasers, and want to rejuvenate naturally..."

Hello. I am a doctor at Smart Skin Clinic, a cosmetic dermatology clinic.



In this article, we will explain in detail the characteristics and effects of Profibro and how it is injected under the eyes from a cosmetic dermatologist's professional standpoint. Please take a look at how Profibro approaches problems under the eyes.



PROFHILO injection

PROFILO is an injectable formulation of two types of hyaluronic acid, high molecular weight and low molecular weight.

Because we use hyaluronic acid that has been non-cross-linked using our proprietary technology, it is easily absorbed by the body, and natural, long-term effects can be expected.

Conventional hyaluronic acid injections are injected locally, mainly to improve wrinkles and laugh lines.

Profibro, on the other hand, spreads throughout the dermis layer, promoting repair and regeneration of damaged tissue. It improves skin firmness, elasticity, and texture.

Profilo Effectiveness

Improvement of skin elasticity and firmness

Improvement of wrinkles and sagging skin

Improvement of skin quality


また、プロファイロの効果の持続性は「NAHYCO™ technology」と呼ばれる技術によるものです。

This technology combines high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid in a heat treatment to enhance stability and durability.
[(出所)Laurino C, et al. Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerance of a New Injection Technique for High- and Low-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid Complexes. Eplasty. 2015; 15: e46.]

Rejuvenation under the eyes with Profilo

With aging, the loss of fat under the eyes causes sagging and the decrease in collagen in the dermis causes fine lines and wrinkles.

In addition, the skin under the eyes is thin and prone to dark circles.

PROFILO approaches collagen and elastin in the dermal layer to increase firmness and elasticity, leading to improvement of these problems.

Two types of hyaluronic acid penetrate the entire dermis under the eyes, providing firm hydration while drawing out the skin's natural strength.

Profibro injection site and effect on under eye

Facial Treatment Points

Profibro is injected using a unique technique called the BAP method (bio-esthetic point method).

There are 10 predetermined injection points on the face, which are injected evenly.



こちらの疑問に対する回答としては、「はい、問題なく使えます」This is the case.


[(出所)Laurino C, et al. Efficacy, Safety, and Tolerance of a New Injection Technique for High- and Low-Molecular-Weight Hyaluronic Acid Hybrid Complexes. Eplasty. 2015; 15: e46.]

Profilo treatment methods and precautions

The Profilo procedure is performed in the following manner.

Counseling and diagnosis

Injection (0.2 cc per site, 2 cc total)

Aftercare guidance

No anesthesia is required because a fine needle is used for injection. The pain is limited to a slight tingling, but varies from person to person.

After the procedure, redness, swelling, and internal bleeding at the injection site may occur. It is unlikely to be concealed by makeup and will settle down within 1-2 days, but it is recommended to leave 2-3 days just to be safe.

Makeup can be applied immediately afterwards, but the injection site should be avoided.

What to expect when undergoing the Profilo procedure

Profibro is a treatment that is indicated for most people, but not for those who

Pregnant or nursing mothers



Although the effects may vary from person to person, most people feel a change in about one month.

The duration is 6 months to 1 year, and it is easier to feel the effects of the treatment if you receive it continuously.

For profilo, go to Smart Skin Clinic.

Profibro is a treatment that approaches sagging, dark circles, and fine lines under the eyes from within the skin.

It spreads from the injection site to the dermis layer under the eyes, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, leading to firm and elastic skin.

The appeal of this treatment is that it has short downtime and is painless, making it an easy way to achieve a rejuvenated look.

We offer the best treatment plan for each of our clients, including Profilo. We aim to achieve your ideal skin through careful counseling and our advanced technology.

If you have problems under your eyes, please contact us for a consultation.

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