Dermapen improves wrinkles on the neck? Effective treatments for different types of wrinkles are also introduced.

I want to do something about the wrinkles on my neck because they make me look older than I am.
She said, "They say dermapens work on fine lines and wrinkles and stuff, but do they work on neck wrinkles too?"
What treatments are available for neck wrinkles?"

Hello, I am a doctor at Smart Skin Clinic.

Until now, there has been no effective treatment for neck wrinkles that has brought significant improvement. In recent years, however, there has been an increase in the use ofnon-cross-linked hyaluronic acidA good injectable formulation has emerged called

I am a cosmetic dermatologist, and I will explain in a simple way from my professional point of view, along with the question, "Does a dermapen work on neck wrinkles?" As a cosmetic dermatologist, I will explain the answer to this question from a professional standpoint in an easy-to-understand manner.


  • It is believed that applying a dermapen to the neck has a certain effect on the fine lines and wrinkles on the neck by increasing the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
    However,Basically, non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid injections are more effectiveThe first is.
  • In recent years, as an approach to neck wrinkles,Injectable formulations of "non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid (Profibro, SUNECOS, Jalpro, etc.)" called "next generation hyaluronic acid" have been found to be very effective and contribute significantly to the improvement of neck wrinkles.
  • Non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid can rejuvenate the entire neck by reviving firmness and elasticity. However, it is important to understand the type of wrinkles, as the effective approach differs depending on the type of wrinkle.
    It is believed that deep horizontal wrinkles, vertical wrinkles that are often seen in thin people, and sagging due to aging can be resolved more effectively by combining non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid with other treatments that are appropriate for each problem.

Non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid" is the mainstay of neck wrinkle treatment - Profilo, Snekos, Jalpro, etc.

As mentioned briefly in the previous conclusion, the rise of noncross-linked hyaluronic acid has advanced the treatment of the neck considerably. The reason for this is due to two effects of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid.

(1) Moisture retention capacity

Hyaluronic acid has a very strong water retention capacity that attracts and holds water.

Therefore, injecting non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid into the skin will increase the amount of moisture in the deeper layers of the skin, thus improving skin hydration and firmness.

(2) Promotion of collagen and elastin growth

When non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid is injected inside the skin, it promotes collagen and elastin increment by stimulating the skin's natural repair processes.
Specifically, the presence of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid triggers an inflammatory response, which in turn stimulates skin cells to produce and increase collagen and elastin.

Why Dermapen shows promise for improving neck wrinkles

Although the mainstream treatment for neck wrinkles is non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid injections, it is believed that there is room to improve wrinkles with the Dermapen.

The reason for this is that wrinkles in the neck are generally attributed to a lack of skin firmness and elasticity, and the Dermapen is also a procedure that can improve skin firmness and lack of elasticity.

Dermapen is a procedure that draws out the skin's innate ability to heal itself by scarring the skin with an ultra-fine bursa.

Skin damaged by dermapen increases the number of cells deep within the skin, such as collagen and elastin. This process improves skin elasticity and firmness, which is thought to improve neck wrinkles.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Dermapen

Here I would like to list the advantages/disadvantages of Dermapen compared to non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid.


  1. Reasonably priced compared to non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid

Non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid is more expensive than dermapen.

Non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid (per session): 60,000-150,000 yen
Dermapen (per session): 20,000-40,000 yen


  1. Dermapen has downtime.

    When a dermapen is performed, the needle is inserted into the entire neck. After the procedure, mild redness, swelling, scabbing and peeling of the skin throughout the neck may occur for several days.
    On the other hand, with non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid, the injected area is only slightly swollen immediately after injection, and the swelling is said to be absorbed within 24 hours.

  2. Dermapen has a weaker ameliorative effect than non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid

    Dermapen promotes the skin's natural repair process. However, its action is narrow and limited to the epidermis and the dermis layer immediately below.
    On the other hand, non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid, when injected into the deeper layers of the skin, spreads penetration in multiple directions. The high moisturizing effect from the inside and the promotion of collagen and elastin growth can be expected to improve skin quality in a wide range of areas.

Different types of neck wrinkles - causes, characteristics and effective treatment -.

Finally, I would like to introduce more effective treatments for each type of wrinkle.

I hope you will think of the procedure I am about to introduce as a procedure that is performed in combination with non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid.

Causes, characteristics, and effective treatment of horizontal wrinkles

Horizontal wrinkles on the neck, also known as "necklace lines," appear at a relatively young age, regardless of age. The main cause includes loss of skin elasticity and firmness, but it is also affected by frequently turning the neck downward when using a smartphone or computer. In addition, the use of high pillows puts continuous pressure on the neck, causing the skin to crease more easily.

There are two effective treatments for deeply embedded horizontal wrinkles: the first isConventional hyaluronic acidThe second is a type of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid.Jalpro HMWThis is a formulation called

Jalpro HMV product images

[Jal Pro HMW]
JalPro HMW is produced with high molecular weight hyaluronic acid among non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid formulations, so it is not easily absorbed inside the skin and has a long-lasting effect.Contributes to internal skin support and volume restoration compared to other non-cross-linked hyaluronic acidsIt is expected that

Both formulations are injected along the wrinkles to fill in the hollows and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Causes, characteristics, and effective treatment of vertical wrinkles

Vertical wrinkles on the neck become more common in people with thinning skin or thinning skin as they age. In addition to dryness and lack of skin firmness and elasticity, the main cause is contracture of the muscles around the neck, the broad cervical muscles. The vastus lateralis muscle is a large, flat muscle located on the front of the neck. It is responsible for pulling the skin around the neck and collarbone upward to support the skin of the face and neck. When the vastus lateralis muscle contracts, the skin sags and wrinkles appear.

For effective treatment of vertical wrinkles,Botox injectionandPROFHILO injectionThe injection of a non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid preparation called "Botox" is said to be effective. The two are approached in different ways, with Botox to contracted muscles and Profibro to improve the firmness and lack of elasticity of the skin.

[Botox injection].
Botox has a primary muscle relaxing effect. When injected into the contracted broad neck muscles, it is expected that the muscles will temporarily relax, with a concomitant reduction in neck wrinkles.

Profilo Product Images

Profibro is produced from two types of hyaluronic acid: low molecular weight and high molecular weight. Among the non-cross-linked hyaluronic acidsPreparations that are particularly effective in promoting the growth of collagen and elastinThis will result in a It is believed to reduce the appearance of vertical wrinkles by spreading evenly over the skin, restoring firmness and elasticity to the entire neck and improving skin texture.

Causes, characteristics, and effective treatment of fine lines and wrinkles

The neck is thin by nature and, like the area around the eyes and mouth, is prone to fine lines and wrinkles. The main cause of these fine lines and wrinkles is the lack of collagen and elastin in the skin due to dryness and UV rays.

For fine lines and wrinkles,non-cross-linked hyaluronic acidordermapenBut it is thought that wrinkle improvement effect can be expected. (As for effectiveness, non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid is more effective than Dermapen.)

Causes and characteristics of sagging neck, effective treatment for sagging

Sagging of the neck is slightly different from wrinkles, but it is a common problem that is often mentioned as a neck problem.

Sagging of the neck results from the weakening of the broad cervical muscles. As the broad cervical muscles and neck skin relax due to aging and other factors, the skin of the neck and lower jaw hangs down, obscuring the facial line and creating a bump on the neck.

What is the most effective treatment for a sagging neck,Thread lifting (thread insertion)and ... andNeck lift (incision)There are two types of procedures. Threadlifting is noninvasive, while a neck lift is a surgical procedure and therefore invasive.

Thread lifting (thread insertion)
Thread lifting is a treatment in which thin special threads are inserted under the skin and these threads are pulled to lift sagging and wrinkled skin for a lifting effect. This treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia.

Since no incision is involved, downtime is shorter (a few days to a week) compared to a neck lift. In addition, the duration of effect usually lasts from 6 months to 2 years, depending on the individual.

Neck lift (incision)
Neck lift (incisional) is a surgical procedure performed on a daily basis and includes the following

The incision is made in an inconspicuous area, such as behind the ear or on the collar, and the broad cervical muscle is pulled up and secured inside the skin.
Lifting the neck by excising and suturing excess skin

Advantages include semi-permanent and long-lasting treatment effects. Disadvantages include longer downtime and postoperative complications compared to thread lifting.
The risk of postoperative complications is basically low, but since this is an invasive surgical procedure, infection, swelling, internal bleeding, and scarring are to be expected.

Features of the clinic

Features of the clinic
Features of the clinic

Cutting "non-essential" costs

Our clinic may not be perfect for all clients. However, we are pursuing a clinic for those who want to have cosmetic procedures more accessible, and who say, "Yes, this is the kind of clinic I wanted.

Simple interior that is easy to access for men and women of all ages

The interior design of our clinic is not flashy. What we value is "convenience" and "cleanliness. We try to keep the interior simple so that even those who do not feel comfortable in fancy spaces can easily visit our clinic.

Easy access to hospital

It is located in a calm area, not in an area cluttered with beauty clinics. On the other hand, access from the station is close, just a 3-minute walk from Jimbocho Station and a 3-minute walk from Shin-ochanomizu Station, making it easy to come to our clinic.

For dermapen and non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid treatment, go to Smart Skin Clinic

Smart Skin Clinic offers both Dermapen and non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid.

The following three types of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid products are available
... Snechos.
Jal Pro (Classic, HMV, Super Hydro)

If you suffer from neck wrinkles, please visit our clinic for a consultation.

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