Doctor's Commentary: For those who have a complex about their hands being "born with many wrinkles" - Suggestions on how to improve them.

Some people are born with many wrinkles on their hands,

'I've had dark wrinkles on my hands since I was a child, and I'm embarrassed when people look at them.'
I've tried hand creams and massages, but they just don't seem to work."
'If I was born with a lot of wrinkles on my hands, can they be faded with care?'

Some of you may feel this way.

Hello, I am a doctor at Smart Skin Clinic, a cosmetic dermatology clinic.

Wrinkles generally begin to appear around the age of 30s or 40s, but if you are born with many wrinkles, you may feel complex about them and suffer from them.

Just having wrinkles makes you look older than you actually are, especially if you are in your teens, twenties, or other young age group, and you want to "do something about it.

Small improvements that can be made to prevent further wrinkle growth as a way to reduce wrinklesSelf-Care."and improve the cause of wrinkles from the root.Cosmetology."There are

In this article, a cosmetic dermatology clinic explains in simple terms the characteristics of people who are born with many wrinkles on their hands and how to improve them.

If you were born with many wrinkles on your hands, please refer to this page.


Why are we born with so many wrinkles in our hands?

The age at which wrinkles begin to appear varies from person to person, but it is often said that the elasticity and firmness of the skin gradually begins to decline and wrinkles become more noticeable. So what are the differences between people who are born with wrinkles?

The following three are the main differences

  1. genetic factor
  2. dryness
  3. Nutritionally imbalanced diets

We will explain each of them.

(1) Genetic factors
If the skin is naturally thin, it is considered a type of skin that is more prone to wrinkles.

Skin thickness is determined by the components in the dermis layer that control skin elasticity, such as collagen and elastin. Generally, these components decrease with age, causing the skin to become thinner, but people born with thin skin may be born with fewer of these components.

There are several points to consider in determining skin thickness.

  • feeling of having one's skin pinched
    You can lightly pinch the skin to see if it feels thinner or thicker. Thin skin tends to feel soft and thin.
  • Ease of scarring and redness
    Thin skin is more sensitive to irritation and tends to redden easily with light scratching or friction. Conversely, thicker skin is more resistant to irritation and less likely to show redness and scarring.
  • Visibility of blood vessels
    Thin skin is characterized by easily visible blood vessels, especially on the back of the hands, neck, and around the eyes.

Through these sensations and observations, it is possible to determine if one's skin is thin.

(2) Drying
Dry skin is a factor that increases wrinkles regardless of age. So, if you are born with a skin type that is prone to dryness, you are more likely to develop wrinkles from a young age.

The back of the hands, in particular, have no sebaceous glands and are easily exposed to irritation, making them prone to dryness if not moisturized enough.

(iii) Eating habits with imbalanced nutritional balance
An unbalanced diet can affect wrinkle formation. This is because a lack of nutrients necessary for the production of collagen, elastin, and other components that support skin elasticity and firmness prevents these components from being adequately produced. Specifically, these include protein, vitamin C, and zinc.

  • Excessive dieting
  • Carbohydrate-centered diet
  • Frequent consumption of fast and instant foods

Let's look back and see if we are eating like this.

How can I improve wrinkles on my hands that I was born with?

There are several ways.

To improve wrinkles on the hands, it is first important to find the right care for your lifestyle and skin type.

There are several ways to improve wrinkles in the hands, listed below.

  • Moisturizing Care
  • Measures against ultraviolet rays
  • Review of dietary habits
  • Review of self-treatment methods for unwanted hair
  • Massage and stretching
  • Cosmetic medicine, etc.

In this issue, we will discuss two of these in detail: "review of self-care" as a small improvement and "cosmetic medicine" as a fundamental solution.

Change the way you do small improvements "self-care".

Daily self-care is important in terms of improving and preventing wrinkles on the hands. Particularly, continuing proper care from a young age can help prevent the progression of wrinkles.

It is generally said,Moisturizer."andUV protection."is especially important for self-care.

1. Thorough moisturizing care

The back of the hand is an area that tends to dry out easily, so it is important to moisturize frequently. Choose a moisturizing cream containing hyaluronic acid or ceramide and apply it thoroughly before going out or after washing hands. In addition, do not leave your hands wet, and if you work with water, make sure to wear gloves, and take care to both moisturize and keep hands dry at the same time.

2. take measures to protect against ultraviolet rays

Hands are exposed to the same UV rays as the face. UV rays reach deep into the skin and destroy collagen and elastin (photoaging). As the skin loses elasticity due to UV rays, it becomes thinner and more prone to wrinkles.

UV protection, such as wearing sunscreen and using UV-protective gloves on a daily basis, will help prevent wrinkles.

Although not covered here, it is also important to actively consume foods containing protein, vitamins C and E, and zinc, to review a well-balanced diet, and to maintain a regular lifestyle that does not cause lack of sleep or stress.

Also, review the method of self-treatment of unwanted hair. This is because self-treatment methods such as razors and waxes may cause strong friction and irritation and weaken the skin's barrier function.

Treatment by "cosmetic medicine" to improve the root of the problem

I mentioned the innate thinness of the skin as a characteristic of people who are born with many wrinkles on their hands.
The thickness and thinness of the skin depends on the components of collagen and elastin in the dermis layer of the skin, and there are procedures in cosmetic medicine that can be expected to increase this collagen and elastin.
Such procedures are ECM preparations and PRP injections. These procedures are an approach to growing the skin in the area of concern from the inside out.

How cosmetic medicine improves wrinkles in hands that were born with them

ECM formulations and PRP injections are recommended for people who are born with many wrinkles on their hands. These procedures take the approach of nurturing the skin from the inside out, and are sometimes referred to on social networking sites as "skin growth treatments" that prepare the skin from the foundation.

What is ECM formulation?

ECM preparations are cosmetic treatments that primarily use non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid to regenerate and rejuvenate the skin. Specific preparations that can be injected into the back of the hand include,Profilo," "Snechos," and "Jal Pro Classic."and others.

Non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid can be described as hyaluronic acid with spreadable properties, allowing the moisturizing and cell activating effects of hyaluronic acid to spread to every corner of the skin.

The reason why ECM formulations are referred to as "skin growth therapy" or "skin regeneration and rejuvenation" that adjusts the skin from its foundation is that they are expected to increase collagen and elastin in the dermal layer. The increase in these components is expected to restore elasticity to the skin, making it firmer, fresher, and plumper.

Specific effects of ECM formulations

Moisturizing effect

Hyaluronic acid has the property of attracting and retaining large amounts of water.

Hyaluronic acid delivered to every corner of the skin will moisturize and soften the skin from deep within, while at the same time attracting more moisture and volume. Moisturized, resilient, and elastic skin reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

The return of elasticity to the skin also reduces the likelihood of wrinkles settling due to the repetitive motions of the hands.

Cell activation effect

Hyaluronic acid has cell-activating properties.
The dermis layer is also responsible for skin firmness and elasticity, and is composed of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and fibroblasts.

The cell-activating effect of hyaluronic acid also works to activate the fibroblasts themselves, which produce the constituent components and the components in the first place, so that the dermal layer, which is the foundation of the skin, can be expected to become more complete and the dermis layer, the foundation of the skin, can be expected to become more organized.

Cross-sectional view of skin

By the way,Hyaluronic acid acts on cells in the dermal layer in this way to restore skin firmness and elasticity, which is called ECM remodeling.

If you are born with many wrinkles, the original thinness of the skin may be the cause. For such individuals, ECM formulations can be an effective means.

PROFHILO injection

PROFILO is a formulation containing two types of non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid (high molecular weight and low molecular weight) in high concentrations, and its major characteristic is its "ability to penetrate deeply and widely in multiple directions. Compared to other non-cross-linked hyaluronic acids, its penetration is extremely high, and it is believed to be able to deliver its effects to the deeper layers of the skin.

This penetration allows hyaluronic acid to penetrate well into the subcutaneous tissue for plump, supple skin. Profibro is expected to maintain the healthy appearance of the skin by promoting rejuvenation from within, rather than merely moisturizing the surface.

To learn more about Profilo, click here.


SNECOS is a formulation composed mainly of low molecular weight non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid and six amino acids. It is widely used, especially in procedures aimed at improving skin elasticity and firmness, and is often applied over a wide area, such as the entire face and neck.

Snecos is offered at a relatively low price point among ECM formulations.

To learn more about Snechos, click here.

Jal Pro Classic

Jalpro Classic is a formulation containing low molecular weight non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid and four types of amino acids as its main ingredients. It is primarily expected to promote collagen production and improve skin texture. It is also suitable for anti-aging treatments, such as reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as improving skin firmness and elasticity.

To learn more about the Jal Pro Classic, click here.

What is the difference between Snekos and Jal Pro Classic?

Both SNECOS and JalPro Classic are formulations containing low molecular weight non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid and amino acids. Amino acids act as materials necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and have the effect of activating cells inside the skin.

Both formulations are expected to improve skin elasticity and firmness, but each has different ingredients.


Ingredients: Low molecular weight non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid and 6 amino acids (glycine, L-proline, L-lysine, L-alanine, L-valine, L-leucine)

Jal Pro Classic

Ingredients: Low molecular weight non-cross-linked hyaluronic acid and 4 amino acids (glycine, L-proline, L-lysine, L-leucine).

It features a different ratio of amino acids than SNECOS.

Both formulations have similar ingredients and claim to be effective in "improving firmness and elasticity" and "reducing fine wrinkles. In particular, they are expected to improve skin texture and restore skin elasticity, but there is no conclusive data on which is superior, and it is important to choose the right one for your skin condition and individual needs.

PRP injection

PRP injections are a type of regenerative medicine that utilizes growth factors extracted from autologous blood; they are different from ECM preparations, but share a commonality in that they promote skin regeneration and repair.

In PRP injections, the patient's own blood is first collected by blood sampling, and from the collected blood, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is extracted. The PRP is then mixed with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) to create an original preparation, which is injected into the back of the hand or other parts of the body.

FGF is a type of growth factor (growth factor) that aids cell growth and tissue regeneration. When it works deep into the skin and promotes the production of collagen and elastin, the skin on the back of the hands looks healthier and wrinkles are expected to be less noticeable.

While ECM preparations activate fibroblasts through hyaluronic acid, PRP injections activate fibroblasts through growth factors (especially FGF).

In addition, PRP injections are particularly safe as a natural regenerative medicine because they use autologous blood and can be applied to the skin of the face and neck as well as the back of the hands.

Please refer to the table below for a summary so that the four treatments can be compared.

PRP injection
Hyaluronic acid
Molecular weight
Polymer Low MolecularLow molecular weightLow molecular weight-
amino acid-6 types4 types 
Other---growth factor
Price60,000-160,000 yen30,000-60,000 yen40,000-90,000 yen140,000-500,000 yen
Comparison of 4 treatments

If you want to improve wrinkles on your hands that you were born with, go to Smart Skin Clinic.

We have discussed the skin characteristics of people who are born with wrinkled hands and how to improve wrinkles.

Hands are parts that are often seen by people, so if you have many wrinkles, you may feel embarrassed. In addition, you may feel that living your life with your hands hidden makes you feel self-conscious and unsure of yourself.

The quickest way to improve wrinkles on the hands may be to prevent them through self-care while relying on cosmetic medicine to correct them at the root of the problem.

Once you have undergone the treatment, you will notice the changes.

Smart Skin Clinic has a large number of cases of ECM products, and one and the same doctor consistently performs counseling, treatment, and aftercare.

We offer free counseling, so please talk to us at the clinic first.

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