Skin Botox (Microbotox) x Aquaphor injection

Water Light Injection (Skin Botox) Eye Catching

What kind of procedure is Skin Botox?"

I want my skin to glow."

I want to get Skin Botox easily."

I'm looking for a clinic that offers the best deals on Skin Botox."

Do you have any of these questions or concerns about SkinBotox Hydroxy Injections?

Hello. I am a doctor of cosmetic dermatology and Smart Skin Clinic.

In this article, our experts will carefully explain the features, effects, pain, downtime, and risks of Skin Botox water light injections and other points of concern.

*If you want to know the rates, you can also jump from the table of contents below.


What is Skin Botox (Microbotox) x Aquaphor injection?

Skin Botox (Micro Botox) Suikoh Injection is a skin beautification treatment in which a procedure called "Skin Botox" is performed with a device called "Suikoh Injection".

The effects of both the formulation used for Skin Botox and the stimulation of the water light injections can be expected.

What is Skin Botox?

Skin Botox is a procedure in which a botulinum toxin preparation, represented by "Botox" from the "skin," is diluted with saline solution and injected finely throughout the face.

Since the injection area ranges from the shallow skin (dermis) to the surface of the facial muscles (fascia), it is expected to be effective for problems originating from the skin such as sebum and fine lines and wrinkles.

Skin Botox alias

Botulinum toxin (Botox) is injected in very small (micro) units (U) over a wide area, hence the name "microbotox"; botulinum toxin is injected into the skin (dermo), hence "dermotoxin"; and the injection method, in which the drug is injected directly into the affected area using a syringe, etc., is called "mesotherapy. Mesobotoxin is called by various names, such as "Mesobotox" because the injection method is called "mesotherapy.

What is Botox Botrynstoxin?

Botulinum toxin is a protein extracted from the bacterium botulinum. It works by inhibiting the release of a chemical called acetylcholine, which transmits commands from nerve cells to other cells, and by blocking the nerves that lead to muscle movement and to the glands that secrete sebum and sweat. When excessive muscle movement is suppressed, it leads to the improvement of expression wrinkles.

The name "Botox" is a registered trademark of Allergan. In addition, Allergan's Botox Vista🄬, a type A botulinum toxin preparation, is approved by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, and the term "Botox" generally refers to this preparation.

However, botulinum toxin preparations from other companies are also commonly referred to as Botox. Similarly, the formulations used for skin botox (microbotox) are produced by a variety of manufacturers.

What is Aquatic Light Injection?

The water light injection is a machine that injects the drug speedily and evenly with nine stamp-shaped needles per shot, with minimal pain. In addition to the effect of the drug, a collagen thickening effect can be expected due to the action of repairing the needle holes.

For more information on aquatic light injections, please see the following article.

Note that botulinum toxin carries the risk of unnatural-looking results if the amount or position of the injection is incorrect, but the depth and amount can be kept constant with hydrophotonic injections.